We wouldn’t accomplish all that we do without the dedicated businesses and business leaders within our collaborative. Mini grants, preschool scholarships, free advertising and funding for the Imagination Library (Wexford and Missaukee counties) are just a few examples of how local businesses are able to support early childhood programs throughout our three county region.
Below are some statistics that we think are important for everyone in the community to know, followed by a number of other documents for those who want to dig deeper.
Early Investment = Lasting Returns
- Research shows that for every dollar invested today, savings range from $2.50 to as much as $17 in the years ahead.
- Michigan saves $1.15 billion per year as a result of past investments in prekindergarten by lowering special education, criminal justice and welfare costs.
- Annual, inflation-adjusted rate of return is 16% for high-quality prekindergarten for disadvantaged three-and four-year olds.
Business needs qualified workers and the US is falling behind global competition
- 63% of all American jobs will require some form of college education in less than 8 years.
- By 2018, our workforce will fall short of employer needs by nearly 8 million workers with at least a postsecondary credential.
- In 2005, 81% of US manufacturers said they face a “moderate to severe” shortage of qualified workers.
- The US ranks 20th out of 28 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in high school graduation rates.
- The US ranks 15th of 27 OECD countries in college graduation.
- Fewer than 60% of US students who start college complete their undergraduate education.
Educational System
- There is not a single state where 50% or more of children in the K-12 system are proficient at reading or math.
- Only 32% of U.S. fourth graders and 29% of eighth graders are proficient in reading.
- Only 39% of U.S. fourth graders and 31% of eighth graders are proficient in math.
- A 2007 World Bank study showed that for every one-half standard deviation that a country improves its test scores, it can expect at least a 1% improvement in its GDP.
National Security
Today 72% of 17-24-year-olds do not meet minimum standards for military service for reasons related to education, physical fitness or criminal history.
Crime Prevention
- High school dropouts are three and one-half times more likely than high school graduates to be arrested and eight times more likely to be incarcerated.
- Across the country 68% of state prison inmates do not have a high school diploma.
We’ve put together a group of resources for those with a concern or an interest in the dollars and sense of early childhood programming!
Investing in America’s Children: the Business Case – This four page document from the Partnership for America’s Economic Success makes the case for investing in America’s Children.
Business Tool Kit WM Final.pdf